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Sentences with sehr, besonders and ziemlich in German | How to use sehr, besonderes and ziemlich | Deutsche Grammatik lernen

German Language is very interesting language. This language contains many grammar topics which are used to develop and learn the language. S...

German Language is very interesting language. This language contains many grammar topics which are used to develop and learn the language. Some topics are used to present, pat and future and some of them state the emotional situations.

Today in this post we will learn, How to write or speak a strong sentence with emotion or feeling. In other word we can say: how to use “sehr”, “besonders” and “ziemlich” in German Language.

how to use sehr, besonders and ziemlich

Use of sehr , besonders and ziemlich in German Grammar










Let’s see some examples and their meanings:

sehr = very

Er ist immer sehr begeistert.
He is always very excited.

Das ist sehr lustig ihn zu hören.
This is very funny to listen him.

Mein Vater macht immer sehr tolle Aufgaben.
My father does always very great tasks.

Die Studentin spricht sehr viel im Unterricht.
The Student speak very much in class.

besonders = specially

Er spricht besonders deutlich, wenn alle zuhören.
He speaks specially clear when all listen carefully.

Der Lehrer verteilt besonders Mathe Aufgaben.
The teacher is distributing specially math Work.

Wir sollen besonders allen einladen.
We should invite specially to all.

Die Party findet besonders draußen statt.
The Party is specially outside.


Ziemlich = quite

Du isst immer ziemlich viel.
You eat always quite much.

Das Zimmer ist ziemlich dunkel.
The room is quite dark.

Du sollst ziemlich laut sprechen.
You should speak quite loud.

Wir arbeiten ziemlich hart im Büro.
We work quite hard in office.

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